Enjoy new depth and joy in all your friendships. Experience deeper connection in your friendships with {THE AND} Friends Edition.
Laugh together, learn more about each other and connect at a deeper level with 199 well constructed questions and prompts you can use again and again for endless conversations.

Ready To Connect With Friends?
Pull out {THE AND} Friends edition at your next gathering and turn it into an unforgettable experience. Create the space for conversations you will remember forever. Perfect for weekends away, dinner parties and special events.
Learn something new about your oldest friends. Get past ‘same old, same old’ conversations with your closest friends. No matter how long you’ve been friends, find new ground to cover. Explore your connection, open up new surprises and depth.
The Friends Edition is also the perfect gift for any friend! Cherish your friendships and give the gift that will create joy every time you open the box and pull out a card. For the friend that has everything, the host, the organizer, the quiet one or the one who always has the answers…